Language Arts, literacy scaffolding, storytelling, creative writing segue, character education, ESL, social studies, team learning, elementary and middle school, distance learning, building community, student-led projects.
Puppet Academy was developed for classroom teachers, special education, school counsellors, allied health professionals, IEPs, after school programs, tutors including home-school programs.
Puppet Academy provides a motivating child-led performance that combines the 4C’s standard of critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity across curriculum objectives. Teachers and specialists alike can collaborate together through a dashboard to share information with students, families and others virtually. Cloud-based sharing is protected through the host’s compliance and privacy regulations. Please read the recommended terms of agreement and sample template for sharing information within your school, district and region.
Yes. We have video and suggestion documents. We invite your feedback to always update and focus on the needs of your community. You can access these through the dashboard.
Puppet Academy provides a closer relationship between the classroom and the family. Whether it is homework practice, a project, novel study, creative storytelling, role playing characters, cultural routines or debating, families can support their children’s home-based work.
We understand that curriculum demands a lot of its educators. The Puppet Academy dashboard helps you provide the direction, monitor progress and assess outcome using their own rubric across their academic lessons be it within the classroom or virtually. Suggestions are available for developing teamwork, creative planning, and performance. You can also record sessions to share with families and other educators.
Yes! Puppet Academy can be used with 1-4 children at any given time. We recommend teaming since it is a child-led tool. Children can play together in a classroom on one or more computers or virtually through a multi-player platform. Children can play with other students across various classroom lessons.
You can create specific lessons, and record these for future use or home use, for one or many students. If parents have access to Puppet Academy at home, you can work together to ensure the child practices these while home. Puppet Academy has multi-plater functionality to encourage collaboration at home. It also has a sharing feature that encourages children to play with their friends.
Yes! Puppet Academy can be adapted for both in-person and remote practice simultaneously or as a ‘homework’ exercise. Kids can practice together. Files can be shared between clinic, school and home. Feedback can be provided either directly to the family or the student depending on how the professional has set up the exchange. The cloud transmission is HIPAA compliant.
Each Puppet has Unique Abilities
Puppet Academy is a motivating way for children to express themselves through the use of unique characters to create unique stories every time.
Homework is shared directly with you. It’s collaborative!
Online multiplayer version for in class teaming or virtual settings
Student-led improv performances using your lesson goals and outcomes
Plan as a team- perform-save-replay
Educator dashboard for storage, data collection, review, sharing with professional/family partners; team meetings, report writing, transferring information, feedback
At-home practice is shared directly with you. It’s collaborative!
Online multiplayer version for in class teaming or virtual settings
Student-led improv performances using your lesson goals and outcomes
Plan as a team- perform-save-replay
Educator dashboard for storage, data collection, review, sharing with professional/family partners; team meetings, report writing, transferring information, feedback